Wednesday, February 18, 2009

'Amazing' Doesn't Suffice

Did a lot of biology today... bleh. I say 'bleh' only because the work/reading is tedious. Honestly, biology and science in general fascinates me. I just don't have a knack for truly understanding it or doing all the homework. Bleh. But today I was 'studying' DNA and RNA, transcription and translation... all that good stuff. I highly recommend at least reading a Wikipedia article on it. This is seriously amazing stuff. Complicated, complex, so delicate... and yet it works flawlessly, with no visible overseer. Isn't God incredible? I mean... the works of His hands we CAN see with merely our eyes are amazing enough... the beauty and majesty of creation... the changing of the seasons... the birth of new things (and people)... you name it. However, the things we CAN"T see are so... so... well, neither 'amazing', 'spectacular' nor 'fascinating' even BEGIN to describe it's wonder! After briefly touching even the basics of DNA and RNA (which are only a piece of the huge puzzle of life), I am SO astounded- both by God's creativity and power, but also by the stupidity (or would 'belligerence' be a better word?) of those who continue to insist that our world and everything in it all happened by chance. I'm sorry, but all the scientists who think THAT should take a closer look at the stuff they're supposed to be studying.

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)

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