Monday, February 9, 2009

A Euology

*glances back at previous post and shakes head* Oh my word. Wow. Ok... does anybody actually WANT me to continue... *CapnJack disgusted face* THAT? *shakes head again*

Well, I really, honestly, desperately need to get on math, but I think I must make time for a short eulogy for a dear friend- my favorite pen. A small, yellow, capless Dollar Store creation, but an excellent pen nonetheless. We faced many adventures together... but alas, no longer. He died last night. His death was inconvenient to say the least (it happened during a rather intense part of the story), but he went out well with a final written word of 'fingers'. Seems fitting for a pen. *sigh* Replacing him will be hard. Oh, I have other pens that write similiarly to the way he did, but they're... all.... *sniff sniff* BLUE-inked. :-( Now my notebook looks like a freak... with the not-so-neat pages- all a professional shade of grayish black- turning a vibrant, blueish color all of a sudden. *sulky face* (Tho' this morning I do believe I found another black pen that writes in a similar fashion... see, I'm very picky about my pens because my handwriting depends on my pen. But that's something for another post...) I suppose I can live with it, but writing won't be the same without my favorite pen, whom I have a sudden urge to call 'Elmer'. *rolls eyes at self*

The burial will be at whenever-I-have-time-to-do-it:30pm today- in a wastebasket. Writing will resume immediately.


  1. I'm very sorry for your loss ;'-( *dramatically * Alas I never knew him!

  2. You aren't going to finish the story! I want to know how Oodstu and Rilloma found the rutabaga! =D

  3. Haha! I will, when I have the time...
