Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"I love technology"...

...when it works. And lately, that hasn't been the case. Right when I desperately need our network (internet) to work- it blows. Constantly and consistently. Takes a fair bit of time to restore too- time I really could be using elsewhere. As I told Dad, 'if that network was one o' my characters, it would be enduring horrible torture right now' :-D

BLEH. What was that verse about enduring trials again? ;)

"To err is human, and to blame it on a computer is even more so..."


  1. Horrible torture? That's it? Anyway...if I had something like that, if there was anything worse to do to it...

  2. "I love technology, but not as much as you, you see?..." ;-) sorry about your internet problems. :-( *evilly * I could lend you a few whips if you want... they come in assorted sizes =)
