Friday, April 24, 2009

Ev'a Tho't...

... isn't it simply INCREDIBLE that you're alive? And I don't just mean that you're ABLE to live... I mean the fact that YOU'RE alive and that you're YOU! I mean, I get weirded out just considering the "what if" of my parents not marrying each other. But then you have to think "Gee, what if my GRANDparents hadn't met? And THEIR parents... and THEIR parents..." Pretty soon, your brain should be freaking out. After the initial pain of a brain short-circuit, the thought is actually rather comforting. If you think about all the odds not only of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc, etc, ad nauseam meeting.... consider the odds of them actually having YOU, or your parents or grandparents (etc, etc, ad nauseam). I, for one, cannot help but feel comforted- my wonderful, awesome God wanted ME. And he wanted me HERE. Right where I am, for a purpose only He knows. ANYBODY could have existed instead of me. But God chose ME, not someone else. I dunno all the theological ins and outs of this concept... and I know I'm getting brain-tied even thinking about it, but in a good way. When being brain-tied causes you to kneel before the throne of God and confess how wonderful and awesome He is and how weak and unworthy you are... I'm a-thinkin' that's a GOOD thing. =)


  1. I know! I think about that sometimes too. It's pretty crazy, but awesome.

  2. LOL Yeah, I'm like thinking, "Wait, if my parent's didn't meet, then I wouldn't be here, but I would never know I wasn't here because I wouldn't be here I'd be nothing and somebody else might me be but it wouldn't be me because it'd be somebody else and..."

    Awesome post!

