Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 and the last lingering days of '08

Well... my 2008 went out with a bang. Quite appropriate, since it was probably the best and definitely the most interesting year of my life. Note, when I say 'bang', I don't mean a huge party or a published novel or anything. I'm talking about RISK. It's a game of world-domination, for any of you unfortunate enough not to know what that is. And for most of the game, I was playing with four boys- aged 6, 8, 11 and 44. =-) However, I discovered the secret art of staying alive in Risk... you sit back in the corner and write, only coming out when necessary, and everyone forgets about you and leaves you alive. They're all too busy shouting (hilarious) insults at each other and talking about dominating everyone. Quite entertaining too, I might add. So I took 3rd, which is an improvement on the last couple years. And, as expected, Dad was the one who dominated. I've got the reputation in the house of the 'crazy doomsayer-prophet-person' telling everyone that Dad is going to win. They all laughed.

Dad has this win-lose cycle. One year he loses 'cause everyone is very cautious of him and gets him out first. Then the next year, they think they won because he's somehow getting weaker. That year, he wins. Now he's got a new strategy- play off the win-lose cycle to his advantage. He consistently reminded them, "Oh... this is my year to lose." So they were over confident. 'They' being everyone except me. But, in Risk, there's little one person can do against Dad alone, unless they don't mind going down right along with him (that's happened waaaaaay too many times.) My goal in life (ok, in my RISK-life) is to beat Dad. And this year, I failed. *hangs head* Now you know.

On a different note, I said goodbye to the year 2008. Pity... I had just gotten used to it. I'll be 16 this year- a transition I'm less than thrilled to make. As the ball dropped and the clock changed to 12am on the first day of the new year, I felt a strange sensation of apprehension and excitement. It's like a story- Part 16- The Year 2008 ended with a few surprising twists, some for good, some for ill. Part 17 has begun and is yet enshrouded in mystery. Enter the not-so-hero (aka, me).

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