Saturday, January 31, 2009

Of diapers, dishes and long-gone characters

If that isn't random, I don't know what is. But that's my life. Change a diaper... write. Make a meal... write. Do the dishes... write. Hang wit the LB (little boys, for those of you unfamiliar with MIT lingo).... write. Do school.... write. Get some fresh air... you get the idea. It's my life now, and I'm dearly hoping that will continue to be my life, when this MIT/writer turns into a MIP/writer (MIP=Mother in practice... also known as MFR, or, Mother for real) with lots of LK to call her own. Surprisingly enough, even though I love my story, my characters and everything about writing, I find I enjoy changing Zoob's diaper (read: the normal, everyday things in life) just as much. There's a sort of fulfillment and joy in just LIVING and doing the everyday tasks of living- diapers, dishes, etc, etc. *shrug* Another of those funny things you learn about life when you get to be as old (hehehe) as I am. *grin*

On another note... I've been invaded. A character I kicked from my story into another story long ago has resurfaced. At first it was innocent- he showed up as a part of the background in a tavern one of my MCs was entering. Next thing you know, he stalks some other good guys, accosts that MC and makes a general nuisance of himself. He is dead set on seeing three OTHER MCs- MCs that are off limits, you understand- and has promised me he won't rest until he sees them, even though I told him that he would get in trouble with the 'caretaker' of those off-limit MCs. He said he'd sneak in when the 'caretaker'- if you could call Jack a 'caretaker'- wasn't around. Which means he's been reading my outlines and knows there's gonna be ONE time, one single stinkin' time, when Jack isn't around to stop him. *weary sigh* I'm gonna have to lay down a law regarding characters reading those outlines... can't have them all pullin' stunts like this on me... *insane grin*


  1. The way you go on about it I can't decide if I can wait for my characters to do things on their own or not! ;-)
