Wednesday, January 7, 2009

...or not.

Well, haha... it just started pouring down rain here. Ah well. It happens. But it was so wonderful to have a little sliver of sunshine and fresh air before the rains came down. *glances at the LB [little boy]'s bedroom* But I guess this means we're in for yet another rainy day (see a couple posts below)... *sigh*


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was rather surprised at the weather too. I was out this morning to take care of the chickens and didn't go back in for a while because the weather was GREAT (especially for January)! Then an hour later I look outside. It just got a whole lot foggier and rain was whipping everywhere! No wonder people get so sick around here, the weather's so unpredictable.
