Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Sun is Shinin'...

I walked outside this morning to take the dog potty... and was met by a warm breeze. Actually, it was more like a warm wind. Not too hot... not too cold... ahhhhh. It was perfect. The sunrise, the wind, the colors. That was one of the most peaceful quiet times I've had in a while. And yesterday was such a dull, rainy day (btw, I DID survive... obviously...). It's a great reminder that the sun will always come out again. After the night, after the storm... the sun will come back.

*starts singing softly* The sun'll come out/Tomorrow/Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow/There'll be sun/Just thinkin' about/Tomorrow/Put off all your worries, cares and sorrows/'Til there's none...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the sun is shining/And there is hope for me again/Oh, a new day is dawning/The sun is shining
