Monday, January 19, 2009

Torn Between Two Loves

*sigh* In some ways I love having many gifts and many loves... in some ways I don't. How is one to adequately split their time between writing, playing piano, playing guitar, WRITING music, scoring films, reading, AND editing? I kid you not- that's my life. Not to mention just lingering outside enjoying God's beautiful nature and engaging in those activities necessary to living a semi-normal life. And chores, taking care of so many wonderful siblings... you get the picture.

A dream's on the brink of coming true- me scoring an actual film (a short one, but what da hey!) But I'm totally wrapped up in my story at the moment, and for someone as obsessive/excessive as myself, I sort of have to get into 'moods'- writing or music. (playing instruments aren't a problem... just composing) And I am soooooooo very loathe to leave my 'writing mood'. I love my characters. I love my story. I love WRITING my story.

*sigh* It's horrible to try to choose between the two... I love both with equal passion but it's a real pain to linger between the two all the time

Well. There. I said it. I feel better for it. Sometimes it's good to rant every now and again. That's nowhere near one of MY rants, but it's theraputic all the same. But that's a rambling for another time. =-)

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